Paintball Birthday Party Photos
Paintball USA is an outdoor family entertainment center specializing in paintball, paintball soft, splat master and gelly ball for all ages. We offer fun team building events and paintball birthday parties.
540 W. Carson Mesa Rd. Palmdale, CA 93550
(661) 255-5332
Use these driving directions and make sure all of your guests in your party follow them as well. From South of the AV. Take 14N, exit #27 Soledad Cyn. Rd., turn left onto Sierra Hwy. turn right onto Angeles Forest Hwy. turn right onto Vincent View Rd. at the dead end, turn right onto W. Carson Mesa Rd. across from the Acton Metrolink Station.
Open Year Round - Rain or Shine
Saturday: 10am-4pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm
No walk ins or reservations later than 2:00 p.m.