Social Media and Online Advertising for Paintball Games

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Utilizing Social Media and Online Advertising for Paintball Games

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is priceless. Posting action videos of players engrossed in paintball games really helps beginners understand what the sport is all about and how the maps are laid out. 

The usual set up of bunkers at most Paintball Parks in Los Angeles are standardized wooden structures, corrugated tubular style bunkers, and giant wooden wheels. These are all great to hide behind from opposing players shooting paintballs at you. The bunkers are strategically placed several feet apart so players do not shoot one another to close, especially for beginners using rental guns.

Paintball USA has designed a Call of Duty Field using corrugated tubular bunkers. Everyone loves that lay out. Our new location in Palmdale, hopefully will open sometime in 2025, where we plan to have a WWI Trenches style map and Dunes Field, as we had at our Santa Clarita location. Currently, we are located at 540 W. Carson Mesa Rd., Palmdale, across from the Acton Metrolink Station.

Los Angeles Paintball Parks are not like some in Mid-Western states that are surrounded by wooded areas and natural terrain. Those are great for woods ball and scenario games.

Social Media platforms such as;

  • Tik Tok
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snap Chat
  • Yelp
  • You Tube

These are great outlets for posting action videos with music that goes along with the excitement, short captions, business information, and hash tags. Every business should have a professionally designed web site so customers can find you.

Google paid ads can be quite pricey, but after advertising your business for a few years on their platform, this method will increase foot traffic.

Good old-fashioned word of mouth is an excellent way to gain new customers. For a business to acquire new and repeat business, make sure your customer service is outstanding and far better than your competitors.

Having staff members with a pleasant demeanor, friendly, that will assist potential customers on the phones will certainly make people want to visit your establishment as opposed to a receptionist that cringes when people call and bothers him or her with a ton of questions. Nothing will scare business away faster than employees that hate their job and proceeds to let everyone know it.

Make sure your referees are trained not only in safety rules, but how to keep players engaged in exciting games and getting as much play time in as possible, so people aren’t waiting an excessive amount of time for the next game.

Advertising platforms allow a business to put their best foot forward. Tell people what the playing fields look like and how the referees keep beginner games separate from advanced leaguers using their high powered, custom guns. 

Management that cares about the clients having a safe and pleasant paintball experience will demonstrate this during their visit to Paintball USA. Boast about what your business has to offer customers better and cheaper than your competitors. 

Give a little something for free to someone celebrating their birthday party at Paintball USA.  Always mention your business’s positive aspects on social media and follow through when your guests arrive.