Paintballing in Summertime Heat
Paintballing in Summertime
Whether you play recreationally or you are a Paintball weekend warrior, doing your favorite sport takes a toll on your energy level and stamina when the temperatures exceed one hundred degrees. Paintball Parks are outdoor in full sun exposure.
Playing pickleball at outdoor courts is a similar comparison, only you are usually wearing shorts and a tank top. Since paintballs hurt when shot, players need to cover all exposed skin when possible, however, there are some alpha males that prefer to test their pain level, so they wear shorts and tee shirts.
Not the best idea, especially if you are a beginner and want to have a positive paintball experience. There are several ways to have an exciting experience minus the pain when dressed correctly and wanting to stay cool without suffering heat stroke.
Paintball USA provides shaded picnic facilities with water misters and allows food to be brought in. Definitely fill up your ice chests and bring in plenty of waters and beverages that contain electrolytes. A good cooling tip is to dip your scarf or bandanna in ice water, wrap it around your neck before every game.
You will be amazed at how this helps lower your body temperature to a comfortable level while on the playing fields. At Paintball USA, garden hoses are near the picnic tables. People are welcomed to use them for spraying off to keep cool.
Summer items to pack up and bring with you for outdoor paintballing.
- Ice chests with waters, sports drinks, and ice.
- Sunscreen.
- Neck scarf or bandanna for safety and dipping in iced water.
- Spray bottle with ice water.
- Disposable ice packs.
For any outdoor sport played in hot weather, you can pick up a spray bottle, fill with cold water, crushed ice, and some eucalyptus essential oil. You will be amazed at how cool and refreshed this combination makes you feel when sprayed on your face and neck.
Hats always keeps the sun off of your head. Baseball caps with extended visors, floppy bucket hats, any kind of light weight cotton head covering helps prevent overheating.
Even with light weight jackets and long loose-fitting pants for paintballing, you can still wear shorts and tank tops underneath, so when you are done playing games, simply take off the jacket and pants.
Paintball Parks should carry first aid supplies. Paintball USA has disposable ice packs, but it’s always a good practice to carry some with you not only in case of sports injury, but they work great for a quick cool down in case of sudden heat stroke.
Los Angeles Paintball locations generally get fewer ballers in hot summer months not only because people do not want to “brave” the heat, but when the kids are out of school, families go on vacation, adults still have to go out to work every day, and kids go to summer camps.
It’s a great time to take advantage of the decreased paintball player crowds for beginners to get some good practice time in with less competition. Sometimes it makes for a more relaxed atmosphere when there aren’t so many people at the Paintball Park.
Paintball Birthday Parties become popular when school starts up after summer vacation. It’s so much easier to hand out an invitation in person, especially when kids don’t want to hassle with getting cell phone numbers to invite their friends.