Paintball In The Rain

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Paintballing in the Rain

Those that love the sport of Paintball, doesn’t need to be too concerned about playing the rain, however, on those rare occasions when it does rain, Paintball USA is open as usual, Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 4pm.

To stay dry and comfortable while enjoying Paintball, a waterproof jacket with a hood over your clothes helps a lot. Water proof hiking boots keep your feet dry and provide traction so you won’t slip on muddy fields. 

If you don’t own any waterproof clothing, Paintball USA sells hooded ponchos that repel rain. We sell wool ski masks that keep your face warm, yet easy to see out of under your safety battle face mask. 

It’s advisable to bring an extra change of clothes. No matter how you dress on a rainy day, you are probably going to get a little wet and cold, but with a change of clothes, your drive home will be comfortable.

Other Paintball facilities may close on rainy days. Paintball USA, serving the Inland Empire, San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys stays open. From past experience, we know there are avid Paintballers that enjoy the challenge of playing in the rain.

With plenty of covered picnic facilities, you can bring along food and hot beverages to warm up, while drying off, and get ready for the next game.  

Paintball USA, has first aid supplies available in case of injury. Not often, but sometimes, a player might get a welt from a Paintball if you’re not dressed appropriately for this sport. It is suggested that every player carries portable ice packs and band aids regardless. No matter what sport you are doing, there’s always the possibility of injury.

The referees at Paintball USA conduct the games effectively and safely. New player are shown how to operate the marker in the target range. The ref divides up the teams and keeps the ones using rental guns separate from the advanced players using their own customized markers. 

Occasionally, the referee will call out open class games which means the rental players can join the self-equipped. The games will be challenging, so enter at your own risk. We have multiple playing fields and referees that guide the games. If you have a group of 15 or more, you can opt for private games amongst your friends.

Paintball Birthday Parties are very popular. There is no time limit for your party. Every rental package includes the necessary gear and a bag of 500 Paintballs, so when you have used up your Paintballs, you may purchase more and stay longer. We carry rental guns that you may upgrade to.

Paintball markers operate fine in the rain. The best recommendation is to keep wetness out of the barrel, hopper, and inner parts of the gun. Carry a dry cloth in your gear bag to help keep your gun dry internally.

Paintball USA has mask defogger stations with microfiber cloths to keep your mask lenses from fogging up. Anti fog sea drops brand is available on Amazon or you can purchase a mask with thermal lenses that do not fog up as easily as single lenses. 

Your rainy-day checklist for Paintballing Fun.

  • Waterproof jacket with hoodie.
  • Waterproof gloves and hand warmers.
  • Waterproof hiking boots.
  • Food and hot beverages.
  • Dry clothes to change into.

Paintball USA Palmdale, which is located across from the Acton Metrolink Station, has a good reputation of being the best safety certified outdoor Paintball Park in Los Angeles. Family owned and operated; Paintball USA has been in business for more than twenty-five years.

The next rainy weekend, know that you have an outdoor activity to enjoy at Paintball USA.