Paintball Birthday Parties, I Can't Wait!

Paintball Birthday Parties, We Can’t Wait!
Being a paintball field owner, one would assume that only the kid having their paintball birthday party at Paintball USA Palmdale would be totally stoked and looking forward to game day.
I can say from past and present experience, it is just as exciting for me when I see the birthday boy or girl with their group of friends come in anxiously waiting to register and get out on the field. Even parents along as spectators or players are excited.
In fact, some of the parents that were planning to hang out in the picnic area see children of all ages having a safe and great time, they decide to play and join in on the fun!
To register or get signed in, the cashier assigns wrist bands and needs to call out each player’s name. At times, the group becomes so zealous with excited chitter chatter and laughing, they are unable to hear their names being called out.
No worries. It just takes a little longer to get everyone registered in. Next step is to head down the “assembly line” where the staff passes out the rental gear, air guns and clothing to each player.
By the time, the group heads over to the staging area, they are ecstatic with adrenaline! The referee will divide the group into two teams, thoroughly going over the safety rules, strategy of the game, then, head out to the playing field.
If the parents decide they would rather hang out at the picnic area, eat pizza, socialize while waiting for the kids to return for snacks and drinks after the game, the tables are near most of the playing fields. The parents can view the kids playing paintball games.
Parents sometimes decide to try our Rage Cage while the kids are playing. The Rage Cage is a quick way to release built up tension by safely smashing and bashing things in a controlled space.
Some paintball birthday parties reserve for Axe Throwing after playing paintball. Axe Throwing is not as tiring as paintball games. Axe Throwing allows you be stationery, yet still active while working on your targeting skills.
Mixed Ages for Paintball Birthday Parties
There are paintball birthday parties that have family members of all ages. Paintball USA offers a variety of air guns; however, we suggest players in the same party use the same kind of rental gun. Here are some of the reasons why.
- The players in your party probably want to play together in the same games.
- At Paintball USA Palmdale, same kind of markers, rentals or personal guns play on the same field.
- Standard .68 caliber rental markers play in the same games.
- Paintball soft .50 caliber rentals play on a separate field.
- Referees make sure games are rotated between the five fields.
- All players get to play on our multiple fields.
- Best idea is to have everyone in a private party use the paintball soft air gun.
Adults celebrating paintball birthday parties at Paintball USA have just as much fun and excitement as the little ones!
Even though Paintball USA is primarily a weekend entertainment center, you can call us seven days a week. We love helping plan perfect paintball birthday parties! Whether you are a beginner player, parent or experienced in the sport, we are here to give you all the necessary information you need about Paintball USA.